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Certification in Personal Excellence for Students

This course explains the :


  •  Importance of Personal development, Healthy lifestyle, Workplace hygiene and Personal hygiene.
  • Way to develop an individual development plan to reach career and personal advancement
  • Method to achieve work-life balance, motivation and gratification in the workplace.

Personnel Excellence means producing your best in any given situation, within or without a conducive environment to do so; strive to be better than last time, every time.

This course comprises of five units which explain the importance of personal excellence in life, planning personal developments, goal setting, emotional wellness and physical wellness. It appraises the importance of personal excellence with its objectives, elements that help to achieve personal excellence and success in the student’s career. It also explains personal development plans in detail which include spiritual, emotional and mental aspects, personal swot analysis and personal development plan and implementation process which is useful to build a very successful career. The course also covers the importance of goal setting and time management which improves the performance of an individual. It also appraises about emotional wellness, which inspires self-care, relaxation, stress reduction and the development of inner strength. It explains very well about the relevance of EQ for students, stress management, harassment, redressal and counselling for students after mentoring. Finally, the last unit covers physical wellness which is very important in the life of an individual. Sources of health, the importance of healthy life, nutrition, and its source, outdoor hygiene and personal hygiene are involved in this course.

This course will help the students to gain knowledge on the importance of Goal Setting, Planning for self-development, emotional wellness, personal development, personal hygiene and personal excellence for their successful career and individual life.

Course Duration


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