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Certification in Communication Skills for Students

The course explains:

  • Important topics such as communication skills, communication network, and the listening skills
  • Verbal, non-verbal, written and visual communications
  • Effective ways to communicate the information to convey the idea to the listener or audience


Communication is giving, receiving or exchanging ideas, data, information, signals or messages through appropriate media, enabling individuals or groups to persuade, to seek information, to give information or to express emotions.

Developing communication skills can help many aspects of a student’s life. Understanding and developing the key skillset to communicate effectively will help an individual at his academic, Professional, Personal and social life. To communicate well is to understand, and be understood. Communication can be defined as the process of understanding and sharing meaning. Still, many people lack the ability to speak and listen clearly and effectively.

This course comprises of five units. The course explains the important concepts such as essentials of good communication, communication skills, and barriers which affects communication. The course walks through the types of communication that helps to gain knowledge on different communications like verbal and non-verbal, written and oral, and the modern communication through emails. In the module about listening skills, you are guided through the purpose and importance of listening for effective communication. The course then goes through the importance of writing skills which is important in communication and then reading skills to understand what is to be communicated. The course also briefs about the importance of communication skills for career building, the skills needed for building a successful career, active listening and questioning, and presentation skills for effective communication.

This course will help the students to gain knowledge about the importance of communication in their career and with strong communication ability, they will feel much more confident in introducing themself in social and professional situations.

Course Duration


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