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Certification in Basic Soft Skills for Students

The programme presents a detailed explanation of:


  • The protocols at the workplace, communication skills, problem-solving methods, time management and conflict management.
  • System of ensuring a productive, collaborative and healthy work environment

Soft skills are the personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people.

Use of appropriate soft skills play an important role in a successful career as well as during social interactions in society. Soft skills are useful for social interaction as well as for career advancement. These skills contribute considerably to their academic performance.

This course gives an introduction to the importance of soft skills, personal development plan, etiquettes and social etiquettes. It also details the interpersonal and intrapersonal skills with the importance of leadership, motivation, flexibility, active listening, dependability and creative thinking in students for their career success. Personal skills for students such as positive attitude and thinking, positive behaviour, negotiation skills, and decision-making skills which help the students to be successful in their professional and daily life are also detailed in this course. It also teaches about the conflict management and problem-solving, where conflict refers to a clash between individuals arising out of a difference in thought process, attitudes, understanding, interests, requirements and even sometimes perceptions. This course also covers ways to manage conflicts, problem-solving, emotional intelligence and creative skills and adaptability. Finally, it also briefs about the time management and goal orientation for students.

This course thus helps the students to understand the importance of personal skills, conflict management in problem-solving and time management to achieve a successful professional career and personal growth.

Course Duration


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